Thursday, December 26, 2013

Camouflage Cupcakes

    Its been a while since I have blogged about my cooking... Guess it's time to catch up :)
   One of my new adventures lately was camouflage cupcakes. My aunt is a huge duck dynasty fan and asked if I would make camouflage cupcakes for her birthday. The middle of the cupcakes looked camo and I even swirled the frosting to make it camouflage colors. So I made a huge mess of the kitchen but it was so much fun! I love trying something new! The cupcakes turned out great and my aunt and everyone at the party absolutely loved them!
   Making these cupcakes was actually very simple (I cheated and used the box due to the amount of time I had, but cake mixes from scratch would work too but just be sure both cake recipes bake about the same amount of time if you do some from scratch.) If you are interested in making some, here are the instructions:

Chocolate Cake Mix (I used German chocolate)
Vanilla Cake Mix
Chocolate Frosting (recipe below)
Vanilla Frosting (recipe below)

      Chocolate Frosting:
3 cups powdered sugar
6 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tbsp butter (I find Room Temperature works best for frosting)
5 tbsp evaporated milk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Sift together powdered sugar and cocoa then set aside in separate bowl. Cream butter until smooth. Gradually add in the sifted mixture and evaporated milk alternating what goes into the creamed butter. Add in the vanilla and beat until light and fluffy.

      Vanilla Frosting:
3 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup butter (Room Temperature)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp milk

Cream butter. Gradually add in powdered sugar. Stir in the vanilla and milk. Beat all of the ingredients until smooth.

    Mix up both cake mixes according to box. Take about 1/3 to 1/2 of the vanilla mix out and dye it green with green food coloring. (You should now have three bowls of cake mix: white, brown, and green.) Take and put small blobs of cake mix alternating colors into white cupcake liners. Fill the liners about 2/3 full.
    Average the baking time of the cake mixes according to the boxes. (Even though the average bake time is according to the boxes, still watch the cupcakes. They will be done when a toothpick is inserted into the middle of a couple of the cupcakes and the toothpick comes out clean.) When cupcakes are done, take them out of the oven, and out of the pan immediately (This prevents cupcakes from sitting in pan and "sweating" making them kind of soggy.) Allow to cool completely

   For the frosting mix up the chocolate frosting recipe as well as a plain frosting recipe. Do the same thing with the plain frosting as you did with the vanilla cake and dye about 1/3 to 1/2 green depending on the amount of green you want. (You should now have three colors for frosting: white, brown, and green.) In a piping bag (with a large frosting tip not the normal tip set size) alternate dropping tablespoons of each color frosting into the bag. *Be careful to not squish all the frosting together into one messy color. (Simply squeeze the bag from the top not the sides to prevent meshing colors.) Swirl frosting on top of each cupcake and the colors should turn out swirled together as well. Store in airtight containers if not serving right away! Enjoy!

Recipe Makes about 40-48 Cupcakes

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