Monday, October 26, 2015

Cupcakes in a Cone

    These sweet treats are a super simple, but totally adorable twist on the typical cupcake. I have a bake sale coming up and I needed to find a quick, but fun treat to make before tomorrow. These cupcakes in a cone are perfect for a bake sale, birthday party, kids classroom party, or just about any sort of gathering!

Here is what you need:
-- (1) Box of cake mix of your choice
--The ingredients listed on the back to make the cake
--(24) Ice cream cones
--Frosting of your choice
--Sprinkles (or any other things you wish to decorate with)

   Simply follow the instructions on the back of your cake mix box to mix up the cake. Put the ice cream cones into a baking pan where they will fit snug without falling over (I used bread pans and eight cones fit in each perfectly). Pour batter into each cone up about 2/3rds of the way to the top. Bake the according to the directions on the package for cupcakes.

   When the cupcakes are done, take them out of the oven and allow to cool completely before frosting them or the frosting will melt. As soon as the cupcakes are cool, frost and decorate them as you please! The possibilities really are endless! I kept mine simple due to a busy day and needing to get them done and ready to go, but yet they are still cute and taste amazing!

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