Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Stick Leaves

   With fall in full swing, cooler weather, and leaves falling from the trees, I decided it is the perfect time to stay inside and do crafts! I recently was picking up sticks in the yard when I decided I wanted to do something to use those sticks in a crafty way! My sister and I decided to make the shape of leaves using twigs. It was super easy!

---Twigs of all sizes (but for sure one long one for the one down the middle of the leaf from the stem to the top)
---Hot Glue
---Fabric Leaves

1. ---Starting with the long stick (measuring however tall you want your leaf to be
2. ---Break and lay out smaller twigs to get the pattern leaf you desire. (I did a typical leaf, but my sister did a beautiful maple leaf pattern I wish I had a picture of. The possibilities really are endless and each is unique!)
3. ---Once you have the pattern you like, start hot gluing all the twigs together.
4. ---Let the hot glue cool and check to see if any of the twigs need some reinforcing. This is important! I tried to hang my leaf on one that was loose and when I let go, it fell to the floor and I had to start almost completely over =( So be sure the twigs you plan to hang them on are glued together very well to hold the leaf on the wall.
5. Glue on the fabric leaves where ever you desire to add color, then hang them on your wall! I have gotten so many compliments on the simple but fun piece of fall decor I added to my living room wall!
***I'd love to see pictures of your leaves in the comments below if you make one! And let me know if you have any helpful tips you found! Enjoy!

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